culture as something distinct from nature
but including things like furniture, architecture and music as well as pool, theatre, cinema, raving, eating, yoga, drinking and talking in the pub stuff that people do it's not just opera, art and music it's football, clubbing, cars, bikes, shopping, religion, telly |
culture as circulating bodies
transport machine /consciousness/genetics/memetics/ being human: one foot in nature world one foot in machine world Elephant and Castle Roundabout language/images/music/performance visceral cerebral neural activity driving material and information flows via density/intensity differentials, orbiting/falling/rising/ a turbulent terrain itself driven magma like by real/virtual/social/meta convection language/traffic/media flowing spilling, oozing, exploding, radiating plumes of intoxicating/dividing/connecting particle/wave/ocean circulating mash culture |
Nature as Culture
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